
Most recent 5 clans
  1. Aaron The Moor likes men.
  2. Cyclepathick
  3. Alcohol Poisoning
  4. Trip The Light Fantastic
  5. Scavengers of the Ghost Ship - One Mo' Time

To start a new clan, you
need the Clan Leadership skill.

Listed below are all the clans currently registered. You can click on a name to view the full clan details including any entry requirements.

Jump to: numbers A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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420 clans listed

Clans beginning with NUMBERS

  1. 1st Colonial Militia (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. 1st Imperial Bank of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Thank you for your patronage. The bank is now closed forever.
  3. 1st Raktam Mercenary Corps (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. 2nd Derby Privateers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. 2nd Imperial Bank of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    No matter where on the island you are, you can count on us to protect your money!
  6. (inactive)
  7. 95th Rifles (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with A

  1. A Simple Church (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Am I Not a Man and a Brother?
  2. Aaron The Moor likes men.
    Aaron the Moor is a people person. Except for girls.
  3. ACID Alliance (inactive)
  4. Alcohol Poisoning [Restrictions apply]
    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger
  5. Alestair Crowley and the Devil's Disciples
  6. Ancient Illuminated Order of Stonebuilders (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  7. Animals of Shartak
  8. Anti-Capitalists of Shartak (inactive)
  9. Antiaggression Association of Shartak Shamans (inactive)
  10. Assassin's Guild of the Golden Serpent (inactive)
    You do not hear the hiss of the serpent, for you are already dead.
  11. Assume Blank (inactive)

Clans beginning with B

  1. Bad Karma (inactive)
  2. Bartenders Association of Shartak
    Own a bar, club, or tavern? Let us know here!
  3. Beach Cleaning Communal Service (inactive)
  4. Bear Warriors of the Mountain (inactive)
  5. Beast Mode [Restrictions apply]
    Derby defense creatures organization
  6. Beavers (inactive)
  7. Black Austrian Nazis (inactive)
  8. Bloodstock (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  9. Botheringham FC Supporters' Club
  10. Brakzkul's Waaagh (inactive)
  11. Brethren of Dionysos (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  12. Broken Arms (inactive)
    Because Killing is Wrong (And We Can't Anyway)
  13. Brotherhood of Unhinged Smiters [Restrictions apply]
    Our thumbs are not opposable, yet we oppose everything.

Clans beginning with C

  1. C.U.T.E.N.E.S.S. (inactive)
  2. Cannibal Cave Dwarfs (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    You are already dead
  3. Cannibal Utility (inactive)
  4. CAT ChAoTiC aNiMaL ToTeMs CAT (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Our Clan Description is MADE of TagLines!
  5. Catholic Church (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Cheetahs (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  7. Children of the Corn
    He Who Walks Behind The Rows sees all
  8. Church of the Resurrection (inactive)
  9. Civilized Highway Society (inactive)
  10. Clan of the Sloth Bear [Restrictions apply]
  11. Clan of YOUR MOM (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  12. Clear Cutters United
  13. Clockwork Killers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Killers, clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  14. Club Fails (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  15. Coalition Against Evil Clones (inactive)
    Be Special or Die!
  16. CosaNostra Pizza (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  17. Crew of the Disco Volant (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    I did not come up with the name of the ship. And no pitures to identify the crew so learn to read.
  18. Crew of the Red Flag (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Dead men tell no tales.
  19. Criminal Fraternity of Shartak - York Branch (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  20. Cult of Anubis (inactive)
    The Followers of the Shaman Anubis,
  21. Cult of Cthulhu
  22. Cult of Kumontitlan (inactive)
  23. Cult of Nithulhu
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Nithulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
  24. Cult of the Toad God (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    For cannibals seeking purpose and union with the Toad God
  25. Cult Of Yig
  26. Cyclepathick (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Illegitimi non carborundum, en ardua ad alta, circa la circulus vitiosus, sic semper erat, et erit!

Clans beginning with D

  1. Doomsday Cult [Restrictions apply]
    The end is near my friends!
  2. Da Waaagh (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Dalpok Liberation Army (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    An organized militant faction determined to keep hostile outsiders out of native villages.
  4. Dalpok Liberation Front (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. Dark Shamans of Dalpok (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Dawn Patrol (inactive)
  7. Dead Spunkers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Death Alchemists [Restrictions apply]
  9. Death to the Vanilla Faces [Restrictions apply]
    Their low level alts dot our lands, but their numbers grow low, and their skill levels weak.
  10. Default Guild Association Federation (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Not affiliated with YOLO
  11. Defender Corps of York (inactive)
  12. Demon Hunters (inactive)
    Hunters and exorcists of the restless spirits that dwell in shadow.
  13. Dental Health (inactive)
    Efficient, fresh and long-lasting.
  14. Derby Defense Force (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    To Protect Derby and those who Dwell in it
  15. Derby Hospitallers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  16. Derby Police Dept. (inactive)
    "To protect and serve the residents of Derby"
  17. Derby Rangers (inactive)
  18. Derby Training Facility (inactive)
    Are you DTF?
  19. Derby's Strike Team [Restrictions apply]
    Derby's offensive squad.
  20. Dethklok (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  21. Discordian Cargo Cult (inactive)
  22. Diseases (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  23. Dog Lovers (inactive)
  24. Drunk on Manhattans (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  25. Durham Citizen (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  26. Durham Colonial Corps (inactive)
  27. Durham Freedom Society (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  28. Durham Institute for Combative Knuckles (inactive)
    Get some DICK inside you.
  29. Durham Model Army (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  30. Durham Pistoleers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Disbanded in '07 the Pistoleers were the first armed force on Shartak.
  31. Durham Police (inactive)
  32. Durham Utility (inactive)

Clans beginning with E

  1. Eastern Federation (inactive)
  2. Elder Council Of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Elder Cult of Jiub (inactive)
  4. ENVY (inactive)
  5. Evil League of Evil (inactive)
    We do Evil Stuff.
  6. Exotic Sports Hunting Club
    Because if we don't kill them, who will?
  7. Eyecons (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with F

  1. Family of Doom
  2. Farmers Union (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Have you sown your seed?
  3. Federation de l'Est (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Feeding Frenzy [Restrictions apply]
    Animal vegetable or mineral... we consume EVERYTHING
  5. Feral Undead (inactive)
  6. Foaming Mad Tiger-Killing Fanatics (inactive)
  7. Free Spirits (inactive)
    An anti-Necromancer spirit entertainment clan
  8. Frenzy (inactive)
    The Army of the Twelfth Bay
  9. Friends of The Pirate's Rest (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with G

  1. Geocachers
    We Know Where the Bodies Are Buried...
  2. GHOST PIRATES (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Ghost Syndicate of York [Restrictions apply]
    If you hunt in York, YORK may hunt YOU!!
  4. Ghostly Majesty (inactive)
  5. Gluttons (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. GODSandHEROS (inactive)
  7. Gourmands (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with H

  1. Headhunters (inactive)
    Join or die a horrible death.
  2. Healers of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Helter Skelter [Restrictions apply]
  4. Hitmen (inactive)
  5. Horror Icons (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Hunters of Rakmogak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    It's better to hire a killer who enjoys his work than one that can be bought with gold!

Clans beginning with I

  1. I hate people (inactive)
  2. I-R-Clan
  3. IM TOMBSTONE [Restrictions apply]
  4. Independent (inactive)
  5. Independent Republic of Fort Creedy (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation (inactive)
    Tirana AS are one the first women football clubs in Albania. The club was formed in 2008 and compete
  7. Island Landscapers (inactive)
    Need a road?

Clans beginning with J

  1. Jack Cudgel (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Justice League of America (inactive)

Clans beginning with K

  1. Keepers of the Faith (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Keyblade masters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Kid Showbusiness' Signpost Advertising Agency (inactive)
  4. Kingdom of Hrothween the Mom Nailer (inactive)
    Bow before me as your mother does on all fours!
  5. Kingdom of Loathing (inactive)
  6. Kingdom Of Lulz (inactive)
  7. Kingdom of Shartak (inactive)
    All Natives, Outsiders, Cannibals, and Pirates living together as one.
  8. Kingdom Of Skulls (inactive)
    Shartak's greatest pro-native clan. Battle for a free native homeland.
  9. Kingdom of the Beach (inactive)
    Killjoy nogoodniks need not apply. If you have ever relaxed, you are already a member!
  10. KMFCP (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  11. Kraken Healers (inactive)

Clans beginning with L

  1. L----- (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. La colonie de Port -Breton (inactive)
    Un port de commerce et et bastion des moustaches impeccables.
  3. La Famiglia di Machetti (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Shartak's Most Notorious Sicilian Family of Businessmen.
  4. La Famiglia di Machitty (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. Lead Farmers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Firearms Experts
  6. League of Unity
    We, the children of Shartak, dream of an island in harmony.
  7. Les Haitiens (inactive)
  8. Lonely Hunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  9. Lords of Derby (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  10. Los Muertos (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  11. Lost Tribe Of Serling (inactive)
    From the apocalypse to a deserted island!
  12. lushington. (inactive)

Clans beginning with M

  1. Manifest Destiny (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Medics of Shartak Island (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Mercenary's Guild (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Monster Hunters
    Here be monsters. We shall slay them.
  5. Monty Python's Knights of the Holy Grail (inactive)
  6. Moo World Order (inactive)
  7. Morag Tong (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Mountain Resistance Group (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  9. Mushroom Cloud Inc (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    No hidden agenda here!
  10. Musicians of Shartak (inactive)

Clans beginning with N

  1. Native Resistance Front [Restrictions apply]
  2. Natives of DOOM (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Natural Bone Killers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Nature's Wrath (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Embrace natural selection as we journey back to the primitive.
  5. Neckbeards
  6. Nemesis (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    We walk this earth with fire in our hands, eye for an eye, we are Nemesis.
  7. New Age Mercenary's Guild (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    "It's like Christmas, only with murder and gold!" ~ Anonymous
  8. New Gibraltar (inactive)
    The citizens and company of New Gibraltar, an unaffiliated and neutral freetown located between Derb
  9. Nimrodian Club (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    You only realize the gift of life when death is but one heart beat away.
  10. North Shartak Trading Company (inactive)
    Trading across the island since '08
  11. Nsoromma (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Children of the Heavens

Clans beginning with O

  1. O.T.A.N. (inactive)
  2. Old guard derby defense (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Open Arms (inactive)
  4. Order of Dusk (inactive)
  5. Order of the Old Guard (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Keeping the old traditions alive
  6. Orwhans [Restrictions apply]
  7. Outlwas of Raktam (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Owl Cultists (inactive)

Clans beginning with P

  1. Parrot trainers (inactive)
    Training parrots to eat men.
  2. Parrotologists' Society. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. Pathetic Securities Ltd. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Pathetic Security Ltd (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. Peoples Front of Judea (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Petey Worship Clan (inactive)
    Escape Damnation and Worship Petey and follow his teachings.
  7. PH (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Philosophe Knights (inactive)
  9. Pirate Ghosts (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  10. Pirate National Syndicate (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  11. Pirates Against Rape Oppression and Treachery (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  12. Pirates of Honor [Restrictions apply]
  13. Pirates of R'lyeh
  14. Primaevals On Wildlife Extermination Routines (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Aka. P.O.W.E.R.
  15. Project S.A.M.C. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  16. Pwotters

Clans beginning with Q

Clans beginning with R

  1. Raktam Freedom Fighters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Raktam Warriors (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    We kick ass and take names
  3. Raktami Royal Guard (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    To protect and defend our beloved home!
  4. Raktamites (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. Respectable White Men (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  6. Responsible drinkers [Restrictions apply]
    The responsibility is to drink.
  7. River Born Fury (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Royal Cartographic Society (inactive)
  9. Royal Court of Greater Raktam (inactive)
    The Royal Court is dedicated to the protection and prosperity of the people of Raktam.
  10. Royal Pain in the Arse of Greater Raktam (inactive)
  11. rUdE ViLLaGe (inactive)
  12. Rum and Murder (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with S

  1. S.A.V.A.G.E. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Spirits Against Vitalism And for Gaining Equality
  2. S.H.A.R.T. (inactive)
    For the Agents of S.H.A.R.T.!:
  3. S.P.I.R.I.T.S. (inactive)
  4. Sanitarium (inactive)
  5. Scavengers (inactive)
  6. Scavengers of the Ghost Ship - One Mo' Time [Restrictions apply]
    Scavengers of the Ghost Ship - One Mo' Time!!!!!!
  7. Science Club [Restrictions apply]
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.
  8. Secret Society of Supervillains
    A clan for evil-doers and mischief makers.
  9. Serenity (inactive)
  10. Seven Drunken Pirates (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  11. Shaman Hunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Help slay the immortals
  12. Shargle Riders of the Mountain (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  13. Shartak Anti-Communists (inactive)
  14. Shartak Cryptozoological Society (inactive)
  15. Shartak Deforestation Movement
    Bad science, environmental vandalism and mindless mob mentality at it's very best. The swath moves.
  16. Shartak Elephant Hunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  17. Shartak Enlightenment League (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  18. Shartak Fire Department (inactive)
  19. Shartak Insane Asylum
  20. Shartak Juice Inc. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  21. Shartak Merchants' Association
  22. Shartak Nudist and Exhibitionist Society (inactive)
  23. Shartak Preservation Front
  24. Shartak Protestant League (inactive)
  25. Shartak Research Project (inactive)
  26. Shartak Retribution Conventions (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  27. Shartak Road Crew
    Keeping those trails clear.
  28. Shartak Speleological Society (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Shartak Speleological Society - S3, we ARE the underground.
  29. Shartak Tiger Hunters (inactive)
  30. Shartak Wildlife Fund (inactive)
  31. Shartakian Tracking Association (inactive)
  32. Shivering Timbers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  33. shweetness (inactive)
  34. Skulturepion (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Character Disclosure Here!:
  35. Snake Eaters (inactive)
    Hunters of the python.
  36. Societas Eruditorum
  37. Society of New Haven
    A new light gleams for those that would treasure it and lift it high for all to see!
  38. SOLDIER (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  39. Spirit Knights [Restrictions apply]
    Protecting the Spirit Hut of Wiksik.
  40. Spirits of Mischief (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  41. St Isidore's Missonary (inactive)
  42. State of New Jersey (inactive)
  43. State of New York (inactive)
  44. Stockholm Headhunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  45. SuperHuman Cookies (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Have a SuperHuman Day!
  46. Swamp People
    We know where to find heavy swords. And we know how to use them.

Clans beginning with T

  1. Tavern Owners and Patrons of Shartak. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Team Dai-Gurren (inactive)
  3. Team Faggers (inactive)
    The second manliest team on the island. After Kingdom of Hrothween the Mom Nailer.
  4. Team Tathers
    The most manly team on the island
  5. Teeth Gnashers [Restrictions apply]
  6. Teh Dankest Fart (inactive)
    The oldest and most unpleasant smell of mankind is FART
  7. Th3 Black P3arl (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. The 95th Rifles (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  9. The Adventurers Society (inactive)
    Dedicated to danger, discovery, treasure, and culture.
  10. The Americans (inactive)
    Are you afraid of Americans?
  11. The Anarchist's of Shartak (inactive)
  12. The Ancient Gods Of Shartak Island (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  13. The Anti-Yorker Movement (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  14. The Aotearoa Expeditionary Force. (inactive)
  15. The Aztec Empire (inactive)
  16. The Bloody Jewel (inactive)
  17. The Bloody Legion of Black-Hearted Brigands
    The cruelest, most vicious band of outlaws to ever set foot and peg on this god-forsaken island.
  18. The Bone Gnawers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  19. The Brave Defenders of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  20. The British (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  21. The Brotherhood Of The Coast (inactive)
  22. The Buzzards (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  23. The Cannon Group (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Peace, Unity and Friendship
  24. The Caravan of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Join us if you like money,friends,traveling, and fun!
  25. The Cave Dwellers (inactive)
    Show us your Cave.
  26. The Church of Scientology (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Hello fellow sentient beings!!
  27. The Coalition (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  28. The Colonial Police (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  29. The Council Of Wiksik (inactive)
    Representing and serving the people of Wiksik. Equity, Liberty, Security.
  30. The Crackpot Alchemist Society (inactive)
  31. The Crew of 'THE FLYING FRENCHMAN' (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    The Frenchmen makes Team Tathers & the other clans look liek the wee gurls they really be.
  32. The Crew of The Cursed Thief (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  33. The cult of Arfenhouseism (inactive)
  34. The Cult of Hastur [Restrictions apply]
  35. The Cult of Sam (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  36. The Cult of the Shargle (inactive)
    Worship Shargles! Kill Shargles! Worship Shargles!
  37. The Dalpok Hunters Association (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  38. The Damned (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  39. The Delusionals
  40. The Derby Fencing Hall (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Train hard!
  41. The Devil's Rejects (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  42. The Dirty Cheating Bastards (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  43. The Divine Hand (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    A group of hired killers.
  44. The Duchy of Gorrystan (inactive)
    For Dalpokis. By pirates. Join or be keelhauled.
  45. The Durham Drifters (inactive)
  46. The Durham Nationalist Militia (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  47. The Durham Tea Party (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  48. The Evil Killers of Shaman Traders (inactive)
  49. The Exiles (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  50. The Farmers' Union
    A Union for farmers. Like it says on the tin.
  51. The Fictional Society
    Authors, columnists, editors and writers of Shartak. Any literate/non-existent player can join.
  52. The Fire Fly Family (inactive)
  53. The First Continental Congress of Durham
    The 1st C.C. of Durham met in Dread Thespian Hall in Durham, as a remedy to The Darkest Fear.
  54. The Four Clans of the Apocalypse (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    As the cities grow weak from superstition (Wiksik), decay, disease & stupidity (Durham) ....
  55. The French (inactive)
  56. The Gentleman Thugs (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  57. The Germans (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  58. The Gospel of Simon
  59. The Green Party of Derby (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  60. The Grimmie Hunters (inactive)
  61. The Haunters (inactive)
  62. The Holy Misssion (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  63. The Holy Order Of Expedition (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  64. The Holy Order Of The AaAaAaAaAaAaA. (inactive)
  65. The Howl (inactive)
  66. The Hunters of N'kai (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  67. The International Church of the God Mr Fropsy (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  68. The island rogues (inactive)
  69. The Islanders [Restrictions apply]
    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale ...!!
  70. The Jedi (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  71. The Kingdom of Skulls (inactive)
  72. The League of Evil Shamans [Restrictions apply]
  73. The Lions of Casterly Rock (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  74. The Lollypop Guild (inactive)
    Yeah, were on the Ghost ship. You can all suck it.
  75. The Long Fin Killie Fan Club (inactive)
  76. The Lords and Ladies of The New World (inactive)
  77. The Lurid Scavenging Crew of The Ghost Ship (inactive)
    Bugger off.
  78. The Mad Scientists
  79. The Misanthropic Society (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  80. THE MISFITS [Restrictions apply]
    "There is no person that doesn't deserve a good drink."
  81. The Mispelled Cemetary [Restrictions apply]
  82. The Mountain Guardians [Restrictions apply]
  83. The Murder (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  84. The Necromancers Guild
    Between life and death we stand.
  85. The Night's Watch (inactive)
    Defending the lands of Derby from the lawless men of the wilderness.
  86. The O'Neils
    THE O'NEILS ARE BACK. Dùmhail. Tha mi nas Gaeilge na bhios tu a-riamh!
  87. The Octavius Popebury Memorial Expedition
  88. The Order of Patriots (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  89. The Order Of The Carrot (inactive)
  90. THe Order of the Darkness (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  91. The Order of the Sword (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  92. The People's Republic of Durham (inactive)
  93. The Pirate Captain's Crew (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  94. The Pirate Defense Force (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  95. The Pirates of Penzance (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  96. The Plague [Restrictions apply]
    Join the Plague, stay immune!
  97. The Pyrites (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  98. The Pyromaniacs' Guild (inactive)
    We like to set fire to stuff. Really, really like it.
  99. The Pythagoreans
  100. The R.K.A. [Restrictions apply]
    Kind to the killed, kill the kind.
  101. The Rakmogaki Collective [Restrictions apply]
    A loose collection of new and old cannibals who fight for cannibal ways and lives.
  102. The Rambling Drunks (inactive)
  103. The Regulators (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
  104. The Renegades [Restrictions apply]
  105. The Rock Hard Bastards (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  106. The Rock Pirates (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Rocks. They're nice. Right? Smelt 'em, shape 'em, put 'em in a sword.
  107. The Roman Legion (inactive)
  108. The Royal Expedition (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  109. The Russians (inactive)
  110. The Screams Of The Damned (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  111. The Scurvy Crew of the Hell-born Strumpet (inactive)
  112. The Sharta Empire (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  113. The Shartak Bottle And Backpack Co. (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  114. The Shartak Guild of Plastic Surgeons (inactive)
  115. The Shipwreck Mobile Defence Force (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Defending the Shipwreck from those filthy natives!
  116. The Society of Notable Somebodies [Restrictions apply]
    The Elite Roleplayers of Shartak. Think you can roleplay with us?
  117. The South Shartak Trading Company (inactive)
  118. The sovereign power of York (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  119. The Spanish (inactive)
  120. The Spanish Empire (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  121. The Spartan Recruits (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  122. The Spartans (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  123. The Sword of God (inactive)
  124. The Tea Makers Society (inactive)
    Exactly what it says on the tin.
  125. The Testing Testers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    A test clan for the testing of tests
  126. The Undertakers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  127. The unknown Voodoo tribe (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  128. The Unrested Spirits of Shartak. (inactive)
    We cannot walk among you. Do not blame us for our wailing.
  129. The Velvet Ribbon (inactive)
    Join us at the Velvet Ribbon, Shartak's finest (and only) burlesque house!
  130. The Vietcong (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  131. The Vodun Knot (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    By the Women, For the Women
  132. The Wangs (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  133. The Warrior Kingdom of Dalpok (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    A kingdom where warriors are born.
  134. The Waugh Arms. (inactive)
  135. The Way Of One Pirate Edition (inactive)
  136. The Way of the Pilgrim (inactive)
    Embrace loss.
  137. The Weather Club (inactive)
    We wait for rain and overcast skies.
  138. The Wedding (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  139. The Wiksik Resistance Front (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  140. The Wiksik Tribe (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  141. The York Coalition (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  142. Tribe of the Tarak [Restrictions apply]
    A pro native clan which allows any native into the Tribe.
  143. Trip The Light Fantastic
    Do you dance?
  144. TuSC (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with U

  1. Uhoome (inactive)
  2. United Pirate Hunters of Shartak (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  3. United States Expeditionary Force (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Unity Bank (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. Us Vs Them (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with V

  1. Vatican Bank (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Voodoo Cult (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with W

  1. W.A.R - Wiksik Army for Revolution and war (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  2. Wandering Aimlessly in Confusion (inactive)
    I Don't know
  3. Warriors of Raktam-1st Garrison (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. Watchers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  5. WEEB WATCHERS (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Burn any cartoon paraphernalia you find.
  6. Wicksick Chopper Club (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  7. WickSick Handhunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  8. Wicksick Headhunters (inactive)
  9. Wiksik Healers (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  10. WikWik Headhunters (inactive)[Restrictions apply]

Clans beginning with X

Clans beginning with Y

  1. York Colonial Corps (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Here to fuck shit up and get bladdered, in any order.
  2. York Healers (inactive)
  3. York Military School (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
  4. York Peninsular Militia (inactive)[Restrictions apply]
    Keeping York's People and Peninsula Safe from the Foreign Scum.
  5. Your clan annoys me
    Tired of clans purporting to create empires or worship silly people? We are.

Clans beginning with Z

  1. /zom/ [Restrictions apply]

To start a new clan, you need the Clan Leadership skill.

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