Clan : The Rakmogaki Collective

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A loose collection of new and old cannibals who fight for cannibal ways and lives.


The Rakmogaki Collective is a loose collection of Cannibals who, after years of isolation, are determined to honor the cannibal tradition and ways. Together we have protected the Fat Red Saint, we have recovered the Obsidian Spear from the pirates and blessed by our Kalmogal, shown truth by Malgrok and other ancestors during the Holy Month of Kril'Mangar. The Collective comes together for purpose, and then disappears into the night, to strike fear once more. BROTHERS AND SISTERS! MAKE THE ISLAND FEAR US!

Restrictions are listed below:

Required classes: Cannibal
Required homes: Rakmogak


Clan Leadership:
Grunk the Pale (Founder)
Anthropophagi (Founder)
Jaws (Founder)
The Munch (Founder)
Edward Theodore Gein (Founder)

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