Grayson Hunt

Grayson Hunt

Avatar for Grayson Hunt

Home: York
Been on the island since 2011-02-26
Died: 87 times (last time was 2017-02-23 05:47 at the hands of Graagh, killed by a knife)
Level: 28
Class: Soldier (outsider)
Primary Clan: None chosen


Once Grayson was a respectable mercenary from Derby. Now he is a mad man from York.

Grayson had awoke on the shores of Derby with no recollection of his life before the island. He soon made a name for himself and even ignored the rules of the governing body of Derby to do so. He was with the Guild in quite a few battles against Natives and Yorkers. But even the Guild couldn't stand the test of time and he was soon one of the last members. Being forced into the wilderness, he simply traveled the island looking for his next coin.

Then a twist in fate saw him awaking in York. The shaman of York restored his memory of his past life and it ruined his mental stability. He had been a happy married man. He had the love of his life and everything he could wish for. Then he came home and found his wife dead, killed by a jealous man, and he was arrested for her death. As punishment, he was put in chains to become a slave for whoever would pay the price. Along the way, the ship he was on was attacked by pirates and he was lucky enough to simply not drown after being hit in the head by a support beam. The new found grief drove him mad. Revenge was the only thing he wanted but being trapped on this island keeps him from getting it.

They carry 1 silver skull cross.

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Achievements:(14 total)
1 year old 2 years old Rat Hunter - Bronze 13 years old
Areas explored: 638 (17.6% of island)
HP Healed: 169
Trading Points: 47
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 0
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 1 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 12
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 45
Successful Possessions: 0
Tracks Found: 66
Fires Started: 0
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 119
Items Found: 734
Jungle Chopped: 138
Parrots Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Monkeys Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Signposts Built: 0
Signposts Smashed: 3
Treasures Found: 0 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 101; last kill: rat
 Animals: 101
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 32; last kill: Dunjk
 Raktam: 2
 Dalpok: 3
 Wiksik: 17
 Rakmogak: 10
Outsiders killed: 46; last kill: LongBong McBlazeit
 Derby: 13
 Durham: 4
 York: 11
 Shipwreck: 18
NPC kills (detailed):
giant spider6
wild boar5
small deer4
large stag4
large deer2
ferocious tiger1
hungry alligator1


This character has indicated they have peaceful intentions and would prefer not to be killed.

This character has been idle since 2017-03-03.

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