Clan : Shartak Deforestation Movement

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Mindless mob mentality and fuzzy science at it's best.

People work together towards a goal for many reasons; survival, power, gold or just to feel like they belong. But sometimes, sometimes they just want to do something because they can. There is no real point, there is no final destination, there is no real goal beyond the act itself. And that act is clearcutting huge swaths of jungle.

Anyone who's picked up a machete, cut down some jungle and thought 'hmm, i wonder what a realy big clearing would look like' this is the clan for you.
Anyone who's sick and tired of wandering around lost in the jungle whilst being eaten by tigers, this is the clan for you.

Not sure if there's a point to your meaningless existance? There's not. Join us. Habitat destuction, loss of biodiversity, erosion, and species extinction be damned. This is what you want, and this is what you need.

And hey, we even have a rational, if that's what you need to sleep at night:

Fact: Tigers eat people, and live in the jungle. Remove the jungle, no more tigers.
Fact: People get lost in the jungle. Remove the jungle, no more getting lost.
Fact: Ecosystem shift drives advantagous mutation selection. Remove the jungle, see higher rate of species evolution.

You see, if we have a huge amount of empty space, something will evolve to fill it. Remember those shargles? They didn't just appear at the whim of some great creator, they evolved to take advantage of an empty ecological niche. Likewise great swaths of gully-ridden desertified jungle will eventualy spawn the Shartak Island Desert Tortiose.

So join us on a journey of petty environmental vadalism as we cut a swath across the jungles of Shartak. Those trees arn't cutting themselves down so we need _your_ help. Volunteers of all races and professions report to the empty swath of mud and stumps moving slowly across the
island. Your going to need several machetes (or cutlasses if your feeling trendy) a sharpening stone and a packed lunch. First aid kits and healing herbs recommended, things can get dicy out here. The vines are tough, and we do have opposition.

Check the homepage (Shartak forum thread) below for details on our current activities.

Restrictions are listed below:

There are no restrictions.


Clan Leadership:
Somaut (Founder)

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