Skull Face

Skull Face

Avatar for Skull Face

Home: Wiksik
Been on the island since 2007-03-10
Died: 74 times (last time was 2010-04-29 16:42)
Level: 34
Class: Warrior (native)
Primary Clan: Lonely Hunters
Secondary Clan: Wicksick Chopper Club


"Hello. My name is Skull Face and I'm a Wicksick Headhunter. Would you like to see my chopper?"

Skull Face is a lean, brown-skinned savage with dung-spiked hair. He carries a machete named 'Logic', a blowgun named 'Reason' and an animal-skin satchel full of sacred weed. His face is decorated with black and white facepaint to take on the appearance of a skull.

Skull Face is a Wicksick Headhunter who likes outsider trophies. He also enjoys teaching allegorical stories to the native village children - current favourites are 'Moby Squid', 'The York Bloodbath', 'Massacre Of The White Maggots' and the nursery rhyme 'Filthy Pirates Die Like Dogs'.

When Skull Face needs a break from hacking outsiders to death he relaxes by doing a spot of fishing. He is a Kraken Hunter, one of the brave fools who pursue the fearsome giant squid that live in the deep waters around Shartak.

On the 4th of December 2007 Skull Face celebrated his 100th officially-recorded outsider kill. The ugly head of Warboss Brakzul now occupies a prominent spot in Skull Face's shrunken head collection.

Skull Face is currently working on a new drum-and-voice composition entitled 'Dead Durham Dub' in memory of the 2008 Spring X-Games. He won that particular contest with 25 heads taken over a period of 34 days. Ask him and he'll show you the trophy. The dents? Outsider heads can be quite thick...


The Trophy Cabinet -


DoomGuy91 says "Why do you want to kill me?"
Skull Face says "You have a nice shiny white head :)"
DoomGuy91 says "You natives are monsters, attacking random people."
Skull Face says "I'm a headhunter. I collect heads. I'm a product of my environment."


They carry 34 skulls, 1 rabbit foot charm, 1 parrot feather charm, 1 Spring X-Game I Cup, 1 silver skull cross, 5 pairs of gold hoop earrings and 1 monkey claw charm.

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Achievements:(27 total)
Kraken Slayer Easter 2010 Old One Novice Healer Tiger Hunter - Bronze
Areas explored: 3197 (88.1% of island)
HP Healed: 1022
Trading Points: 1477
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 1717
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 1 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 277; last kill: tiger
 Animals: 277
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 7; last kill: The Great Khali
 Raktam: 4
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 1
 Rakmogak: 2
Outsiders killed: 309; last kill: Johnny the Hedgehog
 Derby: 74
 Durham: 61
 York: 86
 Shipwreck: 88
NPC kills (detailed):
small deer34
large deer30
wild boar29
large stag25
giant spider5
giant squid4
chief elf1
fully-grown giant squid1


This character has been idle since 2023-12-24.

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