Richard C. Mongler

Richard C. Mongler

Avatar for Richard C. Mongler

Home: York
Been on the island since 2007-02-05
Died: 23 times (last time was 2007-08-30 19:05 at the hands of Archer)
Level: 23
Class: Explorer (outsider)
Primary Clan: None chosen


History of the Cockmongler (Mr. Mongler)

Richard C. Mongler used to reside in Drumheller, AB, Canada. He has a major "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" type personality. By day, he is Richard C. Mongler (The C stands for "Cox" he explains.) He is married to Kari Byron of The Mythbusters but by night he becomes "Cockmongler" and embarks on a ravishing travel throughout the world and supposedly offers to "SUCK YOUR COCK" according to bystander descriptions. Cockmongler has turned up in places all around the world such as Hong Kong, China, Moscow, Russia, and even places like Shartak, offering to please soldiers of both factions. But strangely Richard always ends up waking back in his own home in South York no matter where he fell asleep. According to him, ever since his photo shoot for the "Worlds Largest Dinosaur" website for INSANE.jpg, he has had a split personality. The sightings have decreased recently which is reportedly because he is finally having sex with his wife.

They carry 1 tiger tooth amulet.

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Achievements:(19 total)
Old One 18 years old
Areas explored: 1335 (36.8% of island)
HP Healed: 877
Trading Points: 21
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 0
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 60; last kill: tiger
 Animals: 60
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 21; last kill: Nomad
 Raktam: 4
 Dalpok: 8
 Wiksik: 9
 Rakmogak: 0
Outsiders killed: 30; last kill: CoilKiller
 Derby: 7
 Durham: 7
 York: 9
 Shipwreck: 7
NPC kills (detailed):
large stag11
large deer9
wild boar9
small deer4


This character has been idle since 2007-09-11.

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