The Dullahan

Avatar for The Dullahan

Home: Durham
Been on the island since 2013-06-30
Died: 26 times (last time was 2024-09-19 21:15 at the hands of Outter, killed by a machete)
Level: 30
Class: Explorer (outsider)
Primary Clan: Shartak Deforestation Movement
Secondary Clans: Helter Skelter and Shartak Road Crew


The Dark Man appears as a rider on a wild black horse, carrying his severed head in one hand and a weapon in the other. Sometimes a sword or machete, sometimes a harpoon or axe, other times a whip fashioned from a human spine. The head glows in the dark and seems alive, its empty eyes darting about and its mouth twisted into a terrible grin. Gan Ceann is a harbinger of death, it is said, and that wherever he stops a mortal dies. The disembodied head speaks only once per night, calling out the name of the soul he intends to take. Doors and gates spring open at the Dark Man's approach no matter how securely they are locked. None are truly safe from him. The Dullahan is also possessed of supernatural sight. By holding his severed head aloft he can see for vast distances across the countryside, even on the darkest night. Using this power he can find his victim wherever he or she hides.

There are two ways to stop this undead creature. Inflict enough damage on its body and it will vanish, reappearing the following night and resuming the hunt. Second, the Headless Horseman has a strong aversion to gold and objects made of gold, and presenting such items may drive it away for a short time. It is unknown why the creature is repelled by this substance and none other. Perhaps it was a component of the black sorcery that bound him to this deathless form. The Dark Man and his hell steed are hesitant to cross running water or holy ground but can and will do so when in pursuit of a victim. The dark horse can gallop over the surface of water as if it were solid ground, more proof that the beast is not of this world. Perhaps it is a minor demon taking animal form; perhaps the horse is an illusion created by the rider itself. Not even the wisest can say for certain. Such is the enigma of the Dullahan.

"Night is not something to be endured until dawn. It is an element like wind or fire. Darkness is its own kingdom; it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it."

They carry 1 skull, 1 cat-o-nine tails, 1 silver skull cross, 1 skull staff and 1 harpoon.

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Areas explored: 609 (16.8% of island)
HP Healed: 1414
Trading Points: 106
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 104
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 45; last kill: wild boar
 Animals: 45
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 11; last kill: VeganCannibal
 Raktam: 3
 Dalpok: 1
 Wiksik: 3
 Rakmogak: 4
Outsiders killed: 18; last kill: Too Much Johnson
 Derby: 1
 Durham: 3
 York: 5
 Shipwreck: 9
NPC kills (detailed):
zombified bat17
zombified parrot8
zombified tiger5
zombified monkey3
zombified large deer2
zombified large stag2
zombified silverback2
zombified elephant1
zombified werewolf1
wild boar1
zombified rhino1
zombified wild boar1
zombified guard dog1


This character has been idle since 2024-09-19.

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